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Website Accessibility

What is 'accessibility' and why is it important?

Accessibility is about making your website available and understandable for everyone, including users with disabilities. W3 explains it in a great way at the Web Accessibility Initiative.

Access Keys

This template allows visitors to use the following accesskeys:

1 - Back to top | 2 - Skip to site menu | 3 - Skip to main content | 4 - Return to index.html

h - Home
a - About Us
i - Info/Links

Product Sectors

f - Food & Hygiene
m - Maintenance/Egineering/Transport
p - Print Industry
t - Painshops/Powdercoaters etc.
s - Public & Leisure Services
j - Janatorial Products
b - Buildiing, Estate Maintenance

Contact Info

e - By email
l - Location

The template allows browser-based font resizing, making sure that site visitors can enlarge the font size without breaking the page layout in any way.

We believe that it is important to make our website accessible to all potential users. With this in mind we have worked hard to improve the website for people with all disabilities and impairments.

We have ensured the availability of "alt text", a simple and clear approach to online layout and improved colour contrast. We have also facilitated the use of different browsers in a number of ways including the removal of frames from the site. Our site works well in text-only browsers and fits the criteria for people with visual impairment. Additionally, great care is taken when designing new pages to ensure that navigation is simple, links are accurate and images are clear.

We try to ensure that articles on the site are written in plain English in order that people of all ages and abilities can engage in the party's activities. This site uses only relative font sizes, compatible with the user-specified "text size" option in visual browsers. If your browser or browsing device does not support style sheets at all, the content of each page is still readable. It is structured with valid 1.1 XHTML and semantic markup. Cascading style sheets are used for visual layout. Both are validated as by the W3C Markup Validation Services.

All pages are WCAG AAA approved, complying with all priority 1 and 2 and 3 guidelines of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. This is a judgemental call; many guidelines are intentionally vague and can not be tested automatically.

We hope that this makes the site accessible to as many users as possible but we recognise the need to continue to improve in this area.